Celan, Paul — orig. Paul Antschel born Nov. 23, 1920, Cernăui, Rom. died May 1, 1970, Paris, France Romanian poet who wrote in German. When Romania came under Nazi control during World War II, Celan, a Jew, was sent to a forced labour camp; his parents were… … Universalium
Celan, Paul — orig. Paul Antschel (23 nov. 1920, Cernăui, Rumania–1 may. 1970, París, Francia). Poeta rumano que escribía en alemán. Cuando Rumania cayó bajo el poder alemán durante la segunda guerra mundial, Celan, que era judío, fue enviado a un campo de… … Enciclopedia Universal
Celan, Paul — pseud. di Anczel, Paul … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
Celan, Paul — (1920 70) German poet. He was born in Czernowitz and after the war lived in Bucharest, where he worked as a translator. In 1947 he escaped and went to Vienna and Paris, continuing to translate and also teaching languages. Several of his poems… … Dictionary of Jewish Biography
Paul Antschel — Paul Celan im Alter von 18 Jahren (Passfoto, 1938) Paul Celan [paʊl ˈtselan] (* 23. November 1920 in Czernowitz, damals Rumänien, heute Ukraine; † vermutlich 20. April 1970 in Paris; eigentlich … Deutsch Wikipedia
Paul Celan — (IPA2|ˈpaʊl tseˈlaːn; November 23, 1920 – approximately April 20, 1970) was the most frequently used pseudonym of Paul Antschel, one of the major poets of the post World War II era. [ Celan is an anagram of the Romanian spelling of his surname,… … Wikipedia
CELAN (P.) — CELAN PAUL (1920 1970) L’œuvre de Celan est inséparable de son destin de Juif. Celan est en exil dans la vie comme dans le langage. Son nom n’est qu’un asile, l’anagramme d’un autre nom: Paul Anczel, né le 23 novembre 1920 à Czernowitz (Bucovine) … Encyclopédie Universelle
Paul Benjamin — Paul Auster, September 2008 Paul Benjamin Auster [pɔːl ˈbɛndʒəmɪn ˈɔːstɚ] (* 3. Februar 1947 in Newark, New Jersey) ist ein US amerikanischer Schriftsteller. Zudem arbeitet er als … Deutsch Wikipedia
Celan — Celan, Paul, eigentlich P. Ạntschel, Schriftsteller, * Tschernowzy 23. 11. 1920, ✝ (Selbstmord) Paris Ende April 1970; Sohn deutschsprachiger jüdischer Eltern; studierte zeitweise Medizin in Frankreich, dann Romanistik in Tschernowzy; 1942… … Universal-Lexikon
Celan — (Paul Antschel, dit Paul) (1920 1970) poète français d origine roumaine et d expression allemande. Survivant du génocide (sa famille fut exterminée par les nazis), il vécut à Paris de 1948 jusqu à son suicide en 1970. Son oeuvre, à l écriture… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Paul — /pawl/ for 1 3, 5; /powl/ for 4, n. 1. Saint, died A.D. c67, a missionary and apostle to the gentiles: author of several of the Epistles. Cf. Saul (def. 2). 2. Alice, 1885 1977, U.S. women s rights activist. 3. Elliot (Harold), 1891 1958, U.S … Universalium